Year 9 Creative Writing


Year 9 Creative Writing


library technician, copywriter, poet, researcher, teacher, film and TV editor, lawyer, historian, court recorder, secretary/personal assistant, word processing officer, writer


The Creative Writing elective aims to engage students with the beauty and excitement of language, its variety across the genres and its ability to evoke a response from readers. Students will be challenged to interpret, create, evaluate and discuss a variety of literary texts and styles including poetry, short stories, theatre, television and film scripts and memoirs. Through the main assessment of Writing Folio pieces, students will explore themes of human experiences and relationships, ethical and global dilemmas within real world and fictional settings and represent a variety of perspectives. A focus on narration, point of view, voice, characterisation and tone will also allow students to experiment with their crafting of writing.  Students will also begin to investigate and use devices such as allusion, metaphor, evocative language and parody adding sophistication to their writing.



Assessment across the year will include a range of tasks such as:

  • Oral Presentations
  • Journal Writing
  • Classwork
  • Writing Folio

Contributions to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.
