Year 9 Food - Meal Planning and Entertaining


Year 9 Food - Meal Planning and Entertaining


kitchenhand, caterer, food writer, function organiser, wait staff, dietician, health promotion officer, chef, baker, retailer, menu designer, bar attendant, nutritionist


This unit offers an opportunity for students to develop their interest and skills in the designing and preparing of various types of meals. Topics to be studied include meal patterns, managing food resources and the many courses of a meal. Students will prepare meals fora variety of occasions, culminating in a Dinner Party to be held at home.


Learning Standards:



  • Prepare a design brief for variety of client groups to satisfy these needs
  • Develop solutions to the design brief
  • Identify a range of criteria for evaluating their products


  • Carry out a range of processes accurately, consistently safely and responsibility using a variety of complex tools and equipment
  • Explain decisions about the suitability of the materials and techniques used
  • Produce a production plan with logical sequences of production stages
  • Make products and explain any modifications


  • Evaluate the finished product using the previously established criteria
  • Critically analyse the product and make appropriate suggestions for improvements
  • Draw conclusions of the impact of their design on others. 



There will be a variety of tasks undertaken from the following: 

  • Set Activities
  • Practical Activities
  • Practical Tests
  • Folio: Dinner Party at Home 

Contributions to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.