Year 9 Food - International Cuisine


Year 9 Food - International Cuisine


kitchenhand, caterer, food writer, health inspector, wait staff, dietician, health promotion officer, chef, baker, recipe consultant, teacher, bar attendant


Students will investigate different cuisines around the world, use the information gathered and prepare a variety of interesting dishes. They will explore modern food trends in Australia and the influences of other cultures on Australian diet.  Students are given the opportunity to investigate food patterns and traditions of another country of their choice.


Learning Standards:



  • Investigate and design a recipe for a cuisine that is common in Australia
  • Develop solutions to the design brief
  • Identify a range of criteria for evaluating their products


  • Carry out a range of processes accurately, consistently safely and responsibility using a variety of complex tools and equipment
  • Explain decisions about the suitability of the materials and techniques used
  • Produce a production plan with logical sequences of production stages.


  • Evaluate the finished product using the previously established criteria
  • Critically analyse the product and make appropriate suggestions for improvements
  • Analyse the nutritional value of their finished product.



There will be a variety of tasks undertaken from the following: 

  • Written Report
  • Assignment
  • Production - Food
  • Topic Tests

Contributions to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.