Year 9 Drawing, Painting & Printmaking


Year 9 Drawing, Painting & Printmaking


Illustrator, set designer, museum curator, tour guide, model maker, interior designer, art historian, journalist, web designer, artist, sign maker, painter and decorator


In this course students get to experiment with materials and techniques to produce artworks in a folio of drawings, prints, and paintings. Students will develop their own unique style as they conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express their own ideas. They observe artworks from a range of inspiring cultural and historical contexts and learn to discuss and analyse artworks in order to understand how artworks comment on the society in which they are produced.  This research will also inspire the pieces they produce.


Learning Standards:



  • Explore the visual arts practices and styles as inspiration to develop a personal style, explore, express ideas, concepts and themes in art works 
  • Explore how artists manipulate materials, techniques, technologies and processes to develop and express their intentions in art works 


  • Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and technologies and processes in a range of art forms to express ideas, concepts and themes 
  • Conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions


  • Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can be conveyed to an audience 


  • Analyse and interpret artworks to explore the different forms of expression, intentions and viewpoints of artists and how they are viewed by audiences 
  • Analyse, interpret and evaluate a range of visual artworks from different cultures, historical and contemporary contexts, including artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to explore differing viewpoints 



There will be a variety of tasks undertaken from the following: 

  • Drawing Folio 
  • Painting Folio 
  • Printmaking Folio 
  • Homework Drawings 
  • Analysis of Artworks 

Contributions to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.