Year 9 Dance


Year 9 Dance


professional dancer, teacher, personal fitness coach, choreographer, actor, costume design, dance assistant, journalist, musical production assistant


This unit explores the impact of dance from different cultures, times and locations. It helps build awareness of how the body can be used to communicate dance ideas and how it is used in specific dance styles. It explores the elements of dance, production elements such as costume and lighting, safe dance practices and technical and expressive skills.


Learning Standards:



  • Explore personal movement style by combining elements of dance and using improvisation and safe dance practice to develop new movement possibilities 
  • Manipulate combinations of the elements of dance and choreographic devices to communicate their choreographic intent 


  • Practise and refine technical and expressive skills to develop proficiency in genre and style-specific techniques 
  • Structure dances using movement motifs, choreographic devices and form


  • Perform dances using genre-and style specific techniques, expressive skills and productions elements to communicate a choreographer’s intent



There will be a variety of tasks undertaken from the following: 

  • Group Performance using a range of dance elements and devices
  • Research Task on a style of dance from a specific culture, time and location
  • Documentation journal of practical lessons
  • Learnt dance work

Contributions to class discussions, completion of class work and participation in practical lessons will also be considered