Year 11 Religious Education - Option 3 (School-based)


Year 11 Religious Education - Option 3 (School-based)


Charity Officer, Curator, Ethicist, Law, Missionary, Outreach worker, Priest, Researcher, Social work, Teacher, Writer

In this unit students will examine the Catholic Tradition and its elements by evaluating differing perspectives, justifying and applying their own. Students will explore their life in dialogue with the Catholic Tradition and the cultural context by critically analysing and evaluating differing interpretations and demonstrating a willingness to question their own beliefs. They will have the opportunity to reflect on experiences that provoke spiritual and religious insights by demonstrating awareness of ways to nurture their conscience and prayer life, and develop appreciation of the mystery and beauty of God. Key themes will include: Scripture and Jesus, Church and Community, Prayer and Spirituality and Morality and Justice alongside, Current Church Teaching.

Key Skills Achieved:

An ability to:

  • explain historical and religious understandings of Jesus from multiple perspectives including those outside the Christian tradition 
  • interpret Jesus in the light of His impact on Church history and the world 
  • reflect on how they understand Jesus and what He means for today's world
  • interpret Catholicism in light of the call to service 
  • interpret different forms of prayer and contemplation and the impact of these on spiritual well-being 
  • reflect on the role of prayer in their life and in faith communities
  • explain Christ's vision of a just society 
  • explain the role of conscience and free will in a morally mature person 
  • reflect on their stance on the dignity of the human person and the implications for personal decision-making and action


  • Coursework
  • Class Notes
  • Participation in Discussion
  • Participation in a class based liturgical event


