Year 10 Science - Chemistry and Physics


Year 10 Science - Chemistry and Physics


Scientist, Engineer, Mechanic, Mathematician, Architect, Pilot

This Unit is highly recommended for students who are interested in studying VCE Physics or Chemistry 

In this unit students will explore the chemical world: in particular, matter, chemical reactions, writing chemical formulae, and writing and balancing chemical equations. They will also explore the physical and chemical properties of elements, and chemical compounds and apply this knowledge to understand chemical innovations such as bioplastics, fuel, and nanotechnology. 

Students will also explore the language, methods and ideas of Physics: in particular, Newton’s Laws of Motion and how they apply to real-life scenarios, forces, and motion.  They will also look at a range of technological advances and innovations and apply their understanding in contexts such as cars and roller coasters.

While completing the unit students will undertake an independent student-led investigation. They will form hypotheses, and design an experiment to test these hypotheses. Students will use a variety of instruments to record and graph data, identifying trends and patterns. The results will be presented as a scientific poster.

Learning Standards: 


  • Matter is made of atoms which are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons; natural radioactivity arises from the decay of nuclei in atoms
  • The atomic structure and properties of elements are used to organise them in the periodic table 
  • Chemical reactions involve rearranging atoms to form new substances; during a chemical reaction mass is not created or destroyed 
  • Different types of chemical reactions are used to produce a range of products and can occur at different rates; chemical reactions may be represented by balanced chemical equations 
  • Chemical reactions, including combustion and the reactions of acids, are important in both non-living and living systems and involve energy transfer 
  • Electric circuits can be designed for diverse purposes using different components; the operation of circuits can be explained by the concepts of voltage and current 
  • The interaction of magnets can be explained by a field model; magnets are used in the generation of electricity and the operation of motors 
  • Energy flow in Earth’s atmosphere can be explained by the processes of heat transfer 
  • The description and explanation of the motion of objects involves the interaction of forces and the exchange of energy and can be described and predicted using the laws of physics
  • Scientific understanding, including models and theories, are contestable and are refined over time through a process of review by the scientific community 
  • Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries
  • The values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research


  • Students develop questions and hypotheses that can be investigated, design and improve appropriate methods of investigation, and collect data using various methods
  • They explain how they have considered reliability, precision, safety, fairness, and ethics in their methods
  • They analyse trends in data, explain relationships between variables, and identify sources of error. 
  • Students evaluate the validity and reliability of claims made in secondary sources with reference to currently held scientific views, the quality of the methodology and the evidence cited
  • They construct evidence-based arguments and use appropriate scientific language and  representations


Assessment across the semester will include a range of tasks such as:

  • Practical Investigations
  • Topic Tests
  • Extended Research Task
  • Examination


Year 10 Science- Chemistry and Physics  is  highly recommended for students who wish to study VCE Physics

Year 10 Science - Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science or  Year 10 Science- Chemistry and Physics  are highly recommended for students who wish to undertake VCE Chemistry