Charity Officer, Curator, Historian, Librarian, Missionary, Outreach Worker, Pastoral Worker, Religious Assistant, Teacher, Writer.
The program has as a major component the option to fast-track Unit 1 ofVCE Religion and Society: The Role of Religion in Society, with theresponsibilities associated with VCE study. It is designed to for academicallycapable and confident students who meet the fast-tracking requirements outlinedby the college and wish develop their knowledge of beliefs and practices of theCatholic tradition as well as other Christian denominations and WorldReligions. It provides an opportunity to invite students to be engaged in theexploration and celebration of the Catholic story in all its richness anddiversity through deep learning, reflection, prayer, evaluation and response.Students will study In addition, studies will be undertaken from the principlesof the Melbourne Archdiocesan Religious Education Framework.
Semester 1 - Units of Study:
Learning Standards:
Semester 2 - Units of Study:
UNIT 1 - Texts & Traditions (Texts in traditions)
In this unit students examine the place of sacred texts and their literary forms within a religious tradition. Students explore the importance of sacred texts as the source of a tradition and learn how to interpret and describe their meaning for the earlier and continuing tradition.
The process of searching for and giving expression to the meaning of texts is called exegesis. This unit introduces students to basic methods of exegesis to bring about a deeper awareness of how sacred texts came about, and the meaning of those texts for the religious tradition. The skills of exegetical method are introduced to the students.
This unit also explores how sacred texts have been used by people both within and beyond the religious tradition to bring meaning to issues or ideas in a new cultural setting.
This unit requires the study of sacred texts in a variety of literary forms. The texts may come from one religious tradition or from a range of religious traditions.
Learning Standards:
Assessment across the year will include a range of tasks such as: