Year 10 Religious Education Option 2 - Catholic Ministry Stream


Year 10 Religious Education Option 2 - Catholic Ministry Stream


Charity Officer, Curator, Historian, Priest, Librarian, Missionary, Outreach Worker, Pastoral Worker, Religious Life, Teacher, Writer. 


The program is designed for students who wish to grow in their faith and have the opportunity to witness it in liturgical, fundraising and ministry events. Full and enthusiastic participation in prayer and other ministry opportunities is an expectation of selecting this option. This option also assists students in developing their knowledge of beliefs and practices of the Catholic tradition as well as other Christian denominations and World religions. It provides an opportunity to invite students to be engaged in the exploration and celebration of the Catholic story in all its richness and diversity through deep learning, reflection, prayer, evaluation and response. Students will study Unit 1 of VCE Religion and Society: The Role of Religion in Society. In addition, studies will be undertaken from the principles of the Melbourne Archdiocesan Religious Education Framework. The CSYMI program aims to develop in students a sense of ministry for others. It is a course that involves a practical role as well as the opportunity to explore and grow in their faith journey. Students are involved in a range of activities within the school community, such as working with peers, younger students, raising awareness of social justice and organisation of events including fundraising and liturgies.  


Semesters 1 & 2

(All Units will run concurrently throughout Semester 1 and Semester 2)


Units of Study:       

  • Introduction to Youth Ministry and an Introduction to Youth Ministry Leadership
  • Religion and Society Unit 1: The Role of Religion in Society


Learning Standards:       

  • To explore and discuss the issues surrounding teenagers today in regard to faith
  • To develop skills and techniques to be utilised within youth ministry
  • To further explore your faith journey and be involved in a variety of youth ministry projects.
  • To describe the nature and purpose of religion 
  • To explain the important aspects of religion


Assessment: (Please read carefully)

Assessment across the year will include a range of tasks such as:

  • Compulsory service in the Ministry Lounge during some lunchtimes (rostered)
  • Completion of class notes
  • Planning, facilitating and evaluating youth ministry projects
  • Completion of prayer journal
  • Projects, essays and research
  • Participation in prayer group and other liturgical events.

 Contribution to class discussions and completion of classwork will also be considered.


70% average in Year 9 Religious Education


Recommendation from their Year Religious Education Teacher