Year 10 LOTE - Italian


Year 10 LOTE - Italian


Anthropologist, Customs Officer, Foreign Affairs Officer, Foreign Correspondent, immigration Officer, Interpreter, Language Teacher, Tour Guide, Translator, Travel Consultant.

Semesters 1 & 2

These units aim to consolidate, develop and extend the knowledge acquired in previous years of study.  Through an exploration of various themes, such as recycling and the environment, employment, youth and leisure, the Italian arts, technology and computers, holidays and tourism, students will gain knowledge of these various aspects of the Italian-speaking community.  Along with this, the various vocabulary and grammatical structures needed to convey information relating to these topics, such as holidays and travel, Italian migration, technology & environment, and future plans.

Learning Standards:

The Languages curriculum aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students:

  • communicate in the language they are learning
  • understand the relationship between language, culture and learning
  • develop intercultural capabilities
  • understand themselves as communicators


Assessment across the year will include a range of tasks such as:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Cultural Tasks
  • Examinations

Contribution to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.


Students who intend to study a language beyond Year 10 must select LOTE – Italian or Japanese for both Semester 1 and Semester 2.  LOTE students are not required to meet the Group A requirement of completing a minimum of one unit from four of the five Learning Standards.


The student must have satisfactory completion of Year 9 Italian.


It is recommended that the student achieves at ‘Expected Level,’ and has an average score of 60% in the Semester 1 Year 9 LOTE examination.