Year 10 Digital & Darkroom Photography


Year 10 Digital & Darkroom Photography


Camera technician, film and TV camera operator, photographer, advertising designer, multimedia developer, museum tour guide, AV technician, AV retailer, journalist, film and TV editor, lighting director, graphic designer

In this course students will study the art of photography learning both the skills of digital and darkroom photography, from basic to advanced camera operation, darkroom printing techniques and Photoshop digital image manipulation.  Students who have taken Darkroom Photography in Year 9 will be extended and students who have little experience will be introduced to the concepts required.  A series of photographs, compositional structures and printing techniques will be required to produce a folio of photographic images. 

Learning Standards: 


  • Explore the visual arts practices and styles as inspiration to develop a personal style, explore, express ideas, concepts and themes in art works 
  • Explore how artists manipulate materials, techniques, technologies and processes to develop and express their intentions in art works 


  • Select and manipulate materials, techniques, and technologies and processes in a range of art forms to express ideas, concepts and themes 
  • Conceptualise, plan and design artworks that express ideas, concepts and artistic intentions


  • Create, present, analyse and evaluate displays of artwork considering how ideas can be conveyed to an audience 


  • Analyse and interpret artworks to explore the different forms of expression, intentions and viewpoints of artists and how they are viewed by audiences 
  • Analyse, interpret and evaluate a range of visual artworks from different cultures, historical and contemporary contexts, including artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to explore differing viewpoints
  •  Analyse and interpret how artists have used Art Elements and Principles to create the aesthetic qualities of particular artworks.


Assessment across the year will include a range of tasks such as:

  • Folio of Digital Photographs
  • Folio of Darkroom Photographs
  • Analysis of Artworks
  • Examinations 

Contribution to class discussions and completion of class work will also be considered.


This course is recommended for students who want to continue to study Studio Arts at VCE level and those interested in a career in Fine Art, Illustration, Graphic Design, Marketing, Film and Television Cinematography.