Units 3 & 4 Media


Units 3 & 4 Media


Actor, Director, Media Communicaitons Officer, Public Relations Officer, Video Producer, Digital Communicaiton strategist, Movie Critic, TV or Radio Broadcast Presenter, Location Manager, Marketer, Social Media Manager, Digital editor, digital media creator, content writer, media producer, teaching, content writer, journalist.

Students develop skills in practical video production, from development, pre-production, production to post-production.  They also engage in film and television analysis, develop critical arguments around complex new media issues of our time, and develop and in-depth knowledge of the media industry.  The study is a foundation for the film, television, journalism, marketing and advertising, games and interactive media, communication and writing, graphic and communication design, photography and animation. The Prerequisites for this study are Media Units 1 & 2.

UNIT 3 - Media narratives, contexts and pre-production

In this unit students conduct a close analysis of a media narrative.  They develop media language and terminology and a deeper understanding of how codes and narrative conventions are combined in a narrative. They study how social, historical, institutional, culture, economic and political contexts may influence the construction of media narratives and audience readings. 

They investigate a media form that aligns with their interests and intent, developing an understanding of the codes and narrative conventions appropriate to audience engagement, consumption and reception within the selected media form. Students use the pre-production stage of the media production process to design the production of a media product for a specified audience. They explore and experiment with media technologies to develop skills in their selected media form, and reflect on and document their progress. Students undertake pre-production planning appropriate to their selected media form and develop written and visual planning documents to support the production and post-production of a media product in Unit 4.

Learning Activities:

  • The analysis of a film
  • Video Essay
  • Short responses
  • Practical filmmaking experiements
  • Pre-production folio documentation, such as scriptwriting and storyboarding

Key Skills Achieved:

  • Ability to critically analyse narrative media productions, 
  • Folio development, script-writing, storyboard drawing, filmmaking, and digital video editing


A folio of exploration and experimentation of media technologies. A folio of Pre-production work in preparation for a short film. An in depth analysis of narrative and ideology in various Films. 

UNIT 4 - Media production; agency and control in and of the media

In this unit students complete their major media production in the production and post-production stages, bringing their media production design created in Unit 3 to its realisation. Students refine their media production in response to feedback and through personal reflection, documenting the iterations of their production as they work towards completion.

In this unit, students view a range of media products that demonstrate a range of values and views, and they analyse the role that media products and their creators play within the contexts of their time and place of production.

Students explore the relationship between the media and audiences, focusing on the opportunities and challenges afforded by current developments in the media industry. They consider the nature of communication between the media and audiences, explore the capacity of the media to be used by governments, institutions and audiences, and analyse the role of the Australian government in regulating the media.

Learning Activities:

  • Production and Post-produciton of a Media narrative, such as a short film, documentary, photographic series, magazine or podcast
  • Folio work documenting the production and post-production process
  • Tutorials and workshops for equipment practice
  • A written report and essay

Key Skills Achieved:

  • Production and post production skills in video, audio, photography, graphic design, audio 
  • Use evidence, arguments and ideas to discuss audience agency, media influence, media regulation and ethical and legal issues in the media.


The post-production of a short film and written assessment on Agency and Control in and of the Media.


  • School Assessed Coursework (Media Analysis) 20 %
  • School Assessed Task (Media Production) 40%
  • End-of-year examination: 40%


It is recommended that the student have a satisfactory completion of a unit 1-2 Visual Art subject.


It is recommended that the student have Visual Art subject experience from previous years.