Units 3 & 4 Foundation Mathematics


Units 3 & 4 Foundation Mathematics

The areas of study for Unit 3 and Unit 4 Foundation Mathematics are Algebra, number and structure, Data analysis, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics and space and measurement. 


In the area of study Algebra, Number and Structure, students cover estimation, the use and application of different forms of numbers and calculations, algorithmic and computational thinking, and the representation of formal mathematical expressions and processes including formulas and other algebraic expressions to solve practical problems in community, business and industry contexts.

Within Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics, students cover collection, presentation and analysis of gathered and provided data from community, work, recreation and media contexts, including consideration of suitable forms of representation and summaries. This area of study incorporates the ability to critically reflect on statistical data and results, and to be able to communicate and report on the outcomes and any implications.

Learning Activities:

Examples include using and manipulation of formulae, rounding, estimation, data collection, features of sets of data,  spreadsheets, charts, tables and diagrams,  and computer aided drawing.

Key Skills Achieved:

The ability to plan, organise and logically process information. Proficiency in the use of a scientific calculator and other digital tools.


Two Mathematical Investigations


In the area of Financial and Consumer Mathematics, students cover the use and application of different forms of numbers and calculations, relationships and formulae, and their application in relation to the analysis of, and critical reflection on, personal, local, national and global financial, consumer and global matters.

Within Space and Measurement,  students cover the use and application of the metric system and related measurement in a variety of domestic, societal, industrial and commercial contexts, including consideration of accuracy, precision and error.

Learning Activities:

Examples include money management including investments and loans, credit and debit, comparing mortgages versus rental costs and debt consolidation, analysis and interpretation of financial information and data sets, spatial and geometric constructions as well as conventions, properties and measurements of different shapes. 

Key Skills Achieved:

The ability to plan, organise and logically process information. Proficiency in the use of a scientific calculator and other digital tools.


One  Mathematical Investigation


  • Unit 3 School Assessed Coursework 40%
  • Unit 4 School Assessed Coursework 20%
  • Examination 40%

Prerequisites: The student must have satisfactory completion of Unit 1 & 2 Foundation Mathematics OR Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics.