Units 3 & 4 Extended Investigation


Units 3 & 4 Extended Investigation

The VCE Extended Investigation enables students to develop, refine and extend knowledge and skills in independent research and carry out an investigation that focuses on a rigorous research question. The investigation may be an extension of an area of curriculum already undertaken by the student or it may be completely independent of any other study in the student’s VCE program. Through this study, students develop their capacity to explore, justify and defend their research findings in both oral and written forms to a general, or non-specialist audience.

Entry to the subject to be determined by Academic interview.

UNIT 3 – Designing an Extended Investigation

In this Unit, using the Extended Investigation Journal students document progress and commence a bibliography, learning about types of evidence  critically analysing a range of literature and other resources as preparation for individual investigation, establishing the purpose, ethics and methods of research,  identifying potential areas of interest for the investigation, progressively scoping and refining the area of interest, leading to a high quality, rigorous research question,  formally lodging the proposed research question, commencing the investigation, selecting appropriate research methods and gathering data,  making an oral report explaining the investigation and justifying the selected research methods.

Learning Activities:

Analysis of primary and secondary sources, Interview, Case Study, Survey, Statistical analysis and Scientific Experiment.

Key Skills Achieved: 

  • use key research concepts and terms 
  • identify scope of research • compare research methods 
  • identify and address issues of bias • identify the characteristics of a good research question
  • identify and assemble literature and/or other resources to inform an investigation
  • organise and analyse ideas and information
  • formulate, refine and justify a research question
  • consider ethical issues relevant to the research question


Oral Reports, Design & Justify Research Questions, Written Research Plan, Critical Thinking Plan, Journal and Critical Thinking Test.

UNIT 4 – Presenting an Extended Investigation 

In this area of study students shape their research and findings into a presentation format. They present their investigation to a non-specialist panel and respond to questions and challenges. They reflect on their research findings and the research methods they used in this investigation.

Learning Activities:

Analysis of primary and secondary sources, Interview, Case Study, Survey, Statistical analysis and Scientific Experiment.

Key Skills Achieved: 

  • apply skills of research project management 
  • use key research concepts and terms 
  • use and analyse relevant literature and/or data to support analysis and draw conclusions
  • analyse and evaluate evidence and argument
  • synthesise data and findings
  • use conventions of academic writing


Written Report, Oral Presentation and end of year exam.


Percentage contributions to the study score is as follows: 

  • Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 30%
  • Unit 4 Critical Thinking Test: 10%
  • Externally Assessed Task: 60%