Units 3 & 4 English


Units 3 & 4 English


Advertising, Communications/Marketing, Education, Healthcare, Interpreter, Legal work, Librarian, Marketing, Public Service, Research, Retail, Speech Pathology, Teaching, Tourism

VCE English focuses on how English language is used to create meaning in written, spoken and multimodal texts of varying complexity. The literary texts selected for study are drawn from the past and present, from Australia and from other cultures. Other texts are selected for analysis and presentation of argument. The study of English contributes to the development of literate individuals capable of critical and creative thinking, aesthetic appreciation and creativity. This study also develops students’ ability to create and analyse texts, moving from interpretation to reflection and critical analysis. Through engagement with texts from the contemporary world and from the past, and using texts from Australia and from other cultures, students studying English become confident, articulate and critically aware communicators and further develop a sense of themselves, their world and their place within it. 


In this unit students read and respond to texts analytically and creatively. They analyse arguments and the use of persuasive language in texts.

Learning Activities:

  • Outcome 1: Reading and creating texts - Students will produce an analytical interpretation of a selected text, and a creative response to a different selected text.
  • Outcome 2: Analysing argument - Students will analyse and compare the use of argument and persuasive language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.

Key Skills Achieved:

  • Ability to interpret and analyse a range of different text types, analytical and inquiry based skills
  • Ability to use metalanguage and essay writing skills. 


School Assessed Coursework 25%:

  • An analytical interpretation of a selected text in written form (30 Marks)
  • A creative response to a selected text in written form with a written explanation of decisions made in the writing process and how these demonstrate understanding of the text  (30 marks)
  • An analysis and comparison, in written form, of argument and the use of persuasive language in two to three texts that present a point of view on an issue. Texts must include written and visual material and have appeared in the media since 1 September of the previous year (40 marks)


In this unit, students compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in texts. They analyse arguments presented and the use of persuasive language in texts and create their own texts intended to position audiences. Students develop their skills in creating written, spoken and multi modal texts.

  • Area of Study 1: Reading and comparing texts - Students read a set of ‘paired texts’ and produce a detailed comparison that analyses how the selected texts present ideas, issues and themes.
  • Area of Study 2: Presenting argument - Students study a current media issue and work to construct a sustained and reasoned point of view on an issue currently debated in the media. 

Learning Activities:

Reading and discussion, extended writing exercises, viewing and analysing a range of written and visual texts, experimenting with different writing styles, investigating and responding to current media issues in written and spoken forms.

Key Skills Achieved:

Interpretative and metalanguage knowledge and skills from Unit 3, understanding of a range of different text types, comparative essay writing skills. Knowledge of persuasive language techniques in written and spoken forms. 


School Assessed Coursework 25%:

  • A detailed comparison in written form of how two selected texts present ideas, issues and themes (60 marks)
  • A written statement of intention to accompany the student’s own oral presentation, articulating the intention of decisions made in the planning process, and how these demonstrate understanding of argument and persuasive language (10 marks)
  • A point of view presented in oral form using sound argument and persuasive language. The point of view should relate to an issue that has appeared in the media since 1 September of the previous year. The issue does not have to be the same as the issue selected for study in Outcome 2, Unit 3. (30 marks)


  • Units 3 & 4 School Assessed Coursework 50%
  • Written examination in November 50%

Competence In English is required in all occupations and to enrol in all TAFE and University courses however the required level varies and you need to clarify this via VTAC or each institution.