Units 3 & 4 Agriculture & Horticulture


Units 3 & 4 Agriculture & Horticulture


Agri-business consultant, Aquatic Ecologist, Arborist, Beekeeper, Florist, Forestry worker, Landscape Designer, Landscape Gardener, Livestock farming, Plant Pathologist, Nursery staff, Turf keeper

UNIT 3 - Securing the future

In this unit students examine the role of research and data, innovation and technology in Australia’s food and fibre industries. They look at practices that influence the viability of these industries. Students consider innovations to problem solve challenges faced by food and fibre producers. Australia’s past responses to challenges, analysing responses leading to successful outcomes and unforeseen consequences are examined. Students consider the everyday role of innovation in agriculture and/or horticulture. They explore the influence of market demands and social expectations. Students consider the importance of biosecurity and measures to combat the threat posed by biological resistances. This unit requires students to undertake practical tasks reflecting awareness of innovative, sustainable and safe agricultural and/or horticultural practices.

Key Skills Achieved:

Discuss the role and the impacts of technology and innovation in agricultural and horticultural industries; explain and evaluate current research into challenges faced by Australia’s food and fibre industries ; evaluate the success of past initiatives used to address threats to Australia’s food and fibre production; justify industry responses to consumer demands; demonstrate principles of safe, ethical and sustainable production; apply innovative processes to agricultural and/or horticultural practices.; investigate and apply principles of integrated pest and weed management; explain impacts and strategies of prevention and control of common agricultural and/or horticultural pests and weeds; conduct practical tasks concerning integrated pest and weed management; analyse solutions to biological resistances in agriculture and/or horticulture ; explain biosecurity measures and laws affecting Australian agriculture and horticulture.


Will include practical tasks related to processes and/or problem solving in agriculture and/or horticulture and integrated pest and/or weed management.  A combination of the following will also be assessed: a short-written report: research inquiry, media analysis, case study analysis, or field/laboratory experiment; an annotated visual report; an oral presentation or practical demonstration; a video or podcast.

UNIT 4 - Sustainable food and fibre production

In this unit students examine sustainability in terms of land management, as well as its role in food and fibre industries. Sustainability is a holistic concept with environmental, economic and social dimensions. Students research the effects of climate change on food and fibre production through case studies. They investigate environmental degradation and approaches to sustainable land management and rehabilitation. The importance of biodiversity in an ecosystem and environmental modification techniques are considered. Students explore how sustainability can be both a challenge and an opportunity across the entire production chain from resource suppliers through to consumers. They research strategies for securing sustainable markets, for adding value to primary produce, and for ensuring and promoting the high quality of Australian-grown products. Students undertake practical tasks that reflect sustainable and ethical management practices.

Key Skills Achieved:

Explain principles of sustainable land management; analyse impacts of climate change on Australia’s food and fibre production; evaluate examples of property management that relate to the effects of climate change on food and fibre production; identify and propose action to deal with environmental degradation; justify and evaluate techniques of environmental control and modification in agriculture and/or horticulture; explain relationships between biodiversity and sustainable agriculture and/or horticulture; demonstrate techniques for testing and monitoring sustainable management practices.; evaluate agricultural and/or horticultural business practices by applying sustainability and ethical considerations; explain challenges and opportunities presented by dimensions of sustainability concepts across the food and fibre supply chain; describe and evaluate strategies for increasing markets for Australian primary produce; investigate and analyse marketing and communications strategies in food and fibre production; explain quality standards and quality assurance programs in food and fibre production; evaluate influences on the decisions of food and fibre producers and business owners


Will include practical tasks related to sustainable management of land and/or water and sustainable business practices. A combination of the following will also be assessed: a short-written report: research inquiry, media analysis, case study analysis, or field/laboratory experiment; an annotated visual report; an oral presentation or practical demonstration; a video or podcast.

  • Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 30%
  • Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 30%
  • Unit 3 & 4 (VCAA-set) Exam : 40 %  (in November)


Entry into Unit 4 requires prerequisite of Unit 3.


Students entering Unit 3 without Units 1 and/or 2 may be required to undertake additional preparation as prescribed by their teacher.