Unit 1: How is energy useful to society?
In this unit students examine some of the fundamental ideas and models used by physicists in an attempt to understand and explain energy. Models used to understand light, thermal energy, radioactivity, nuclear processes and electricity are explored. Students apply these physics ideas to contemporary societal issues: communication, climate change and global warming, medical treatment, electrical home safety and Australian energy needs.
Key Skills Achieved
Unit 2: How does physics help us to understand the world?
In this unit students explore the power of experiments in developing models and theories. They investigate a variety of phenomena by making their own observations and generating questions, which in turn lead to experiments.
In Area of Study 1, students investigate the ways in which forces are involved both in moving objects and in keeping objects stationary and apply these concepts to a chosen case study of motion.
In Area of Study 2, students choose one of eighteen options related to climate science, nuclear energy, flight, structural engineering, biomechanics, medical physics, bioelectricity, optics, photography, music, sports science, electronics, astrophysics, astrobiology, Australian traditional artefacts and techniques, particle physics, cosmology and local physics research. The selection of an option enables students to pursue an area of interest through an investigation and using physics to justify a stance, response or solution to a contemporary societal issue or application related to the option.
A student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation is undertaken .
Key Skills Achieved
Entry into Unit 1 & 2 requires a prerequisite of either Year 10 Science - Chemistry and Physics
It is recommended that the student achieve an average of 70% in Year 10 Science and Year 10 Mathematics, excluding Foundation Mathematics. It is recommended that the student who select Physics should also select Mathematical Methods.