Students develop an understanding of the dimensions and interrelationships of health and individual human development. They also research health factors and issues impacting Australia’s youth and programs or strategies that impact youth health and development. Students look in detail at the health and development of Australia’s children and adults and issues that affect Australia’s health system.
UNIT 1 - Understanding health and wellbeing
VCE Health and Human Development provides students with a broad understanding of health and wellbeing that reaches far beyond the individual. They learn how important health and wellbeing is to themselves and to families, communities, nations and global society. Students explore the complex interplay of biological, sociocultural and environmental factors that support and improve health and wellbeing, and those that compromise it. The study provides opportunities for students to view health and wellbeing, and human development, holistically – across the lifespan and the globe, and through a lens of social justice.
Learning Activities:
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UNIT 2 - Managing health and development
In this area of study students continue to develop their understanding of health and individual human development of Australia’s children and adults, studying the period of conception to approximately 12 years, and the lifespan stage of Adulthood, including old age. Students also investigate how biological and behavioural factors, physical environments and social environments, including the family and community, influence health and development. Students will also examine a range of health issues that are having an impact on Australia’s health system, including Australia’s aging population, human rights and ethics, medical technology and the provision of rural health services, and investigate at least one health issue in detail.
Learning Activities:
Key Skills Achieved:
It is recommended that the student have Health & PE elective subject experience from previous years (aside from Sport in Action).