Units 1 & 2 Foundation Mathematics


Units 1 & 2 Foundation Mathematics

The areas of study for Unit 1 and Unit 2 of Foundation Mathematics are Algebra, number and structure, Data analysis, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics and space and measurement. This subject is designed as preparation for Unit 3 & 4 Foundation Mathematics. 

Students undertaking this course would not undertake Unit 3 & 4 studies in Mathematics. 

UNITS 1 & 2

In Units 1 and 2 Space, Algebra, number and structure covers estimation, ratio and proportion, percentages as well as the construction, use and interpretation of formulas and symbolic expressions to describe relationships between variables. 

Data analysis, probability and statistics comprises the collection, presentation and analysis of gathered and provided data from community, work, recreation and media contexts, including suitable forms of data summaries. 

Discrete mathematics covers financial and consumer mathematics, including personal taxation, income calculations, personal financial services and managing money. 

Space and measurement comprises time and the use and application of the metric system and related measurements in a variety of domestic societal, industrial and commercial contexts as well as shape and location concepts including 2D plans, models, maps, routes and itineraries.

Learning Activities:

Examples include metric conversions, area calculations, using formulae, rounding, estimation, scale drawings, spreadsheets, timetables and computer aided drawing.

Key Skills Achieved:

  • The ability to plan, organise and logically process information
  • Proficiency in the use of a scientific calculator and other digital technologies
  • Identify and recognise how mathematics is used in everyday situations and contexts
  • Extract the mathematics in everyday situations
  • Use of computational thinking, algorithms, models and simulation


Assignments and Analysis Tasks, Mathematical Investigation, Topic Tests and Semester Examinations.



  • Coursework 70%
  • Semester examination 30%




It is recommended the student has shown satisfactory completion of Year 9 or Year 10 Mathematics.