Units 1 & 2 English


Units 1 & 2 English

English at the senior levels continues to develop and seeks to consolidate the knowledge and skills students have previously acquired and explored.However, the knowledge and skills will be applied to increasingly sophisticated texts at the senior level. In the senior levels, students will be expected to engage progressively with adult texts that reflect more complex concerns that challenge or contest their understanding of the world. Students develop their own responses to these texts from personal engagement through to critical analysis, applying and refining their capacity for inferential reading and viewing as they grapple with many possible levels of meaning that can be extracted by a reader.


In this area of study, students engage in reading and viewing texts with a focus on personal connections with the story. They apply, extend and challenge their understanding and use of imaginative, persuasive and informative text through a growing awareness of situated contexts, stated purposes and audience.


Reading and discussion, extended writing exercises, viewing and analysing a range of written and visual texts, experimenting with different writing styles.


  • Consider and explore ideas, concerns and tensions presented in a text and how text structures and language features create meaning.
    Write with a clear purpose (to express, to reflect, to explain or to argue) and an awareness of context and audience


  • Coursework
  • End of Semester Examination


In this area of study, students develop their reading and viewing skills, including deepening their capacity for inferential reading and viewing, to further open possible meanings in a text, and to extend their writing in response to text. Students also consider the way arguments are developed and delivered in many forms of media.


Reading and discussion, extended writing exercises, viewing and analysing a range of written and visual texts, experimenting with different writing styles, investigating and responding to current issues in the media.


  • Engage with a text for meaning and analyse ideas, concerns and tensions presented. Analyse the specific vocabulary, text structures and language features in text, including the use of appropriate metalanguage and how these aspects create meaning


  • Coursework
  • End of Semester Examination